Next Tuesday, March 8th, is the local election day for Fish Lake Township. In addition to selecting a township supervisor and treasurer, voters will need to decide on a ballot question initiated by Supervisors Carter and Larkin; “Shall the position of Treasurer of Fish Lake Township be changed from an elected to an appointed position?”
Since the December 20th decision to add the treasurer question to the ballot, Supervisors Carter and Larkin have actively promoted the plan to hire instead of elect a township treasurer. The township web site currently describes the “need” to change as follows; “Due to the complexity of the duties of Treasurer the board is asking residents for their approval to appoint/hire the Treasurer. If approved, the position will no longer be an elected term.” Supervisors Carter and Larkin have also spent taxpayer money to publish and distribute a “Township Newsletter” to further describe and promote their perceived need to implement change.
At the December 20th re-convened meeting in 2010, minutes indicate that in the absence of Supervisor Cupit, Supervisors Carter and Larkin discussed “new business” to hire/appoint a township treasurer instead of elect one. Meeting minutes state “the Treasurer position is much more involved with today’s technology and requires the knowledge of computers, bookkeeping programs, internet and online banking that not everyone voter is qualified for.” (If the clerical skills of the hired township clerk are any indication of the financial competence voters can expect from a hired treasurer, perhaps the treasurer position should best remain an elected one.) Shortly thereafter, the meeting minutes state, “The current Treasurer, Sharon McAndrew, has indicated that she will accept the appointed position if the questions passes.”
Why would Supervisors Carter and Larkin instigate and actively promote a hired treasurer position under the guise of retaining qualified help, then assure the public that the current treasurer has agreed to re-assume the position if the ballot question is approved?
Furthermore; why would Fish Lake Township residents vote to approve such a ballot question thereby forfeiting their future rights to choose?
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