Monday, October 27, 2008

Carter Campaign “Strategy” #9

Evade, Evade, Evade

Recent editions of the Cambridge Star, North Branch Post Review, and Chisago County Press newspapers published a “Letter to the Editor” from Robert Pearson of Rush City and Candidate Carter’s response. In the letter, Pearson asked Candidate Carter to answer some disturbing questions about a ~$234,000 joint road paving project between Nessel and Fish Lake Townships. To accomplish the Joint Powers Board (JPB) project, Supervisor Carter served as the JPB representative for Fish Lake Township and Supervisor McKenzie served as the JPB representative for Nessel Township.

One particularly poignant question from Pearson asked, “Why did Supervisors McKenzie and Carter approve and sign a paving contract to spend ~$234,000 outside of an open public meeting?” Candidate Carter responded, “Supervisor McKenzie and I, acting under the Joint Powers Agreement, authorized by our respective town boards, signed the paving contract after it was reviewed by both boards. I signed the agreement on June 11, 2007 at a regular township board meeting. Mr. McKenzie signed it at a properly noticed meeting on June 19, 2007.”

A comprehensive review of the approved, Fish Lake Township meeting minutes for June 11, 2007 reveals some inconsistencies with Candidate Carter’s recollection of the facts. While the meeting minutes do not document any board decision or action taken on a ~$234,000 paving contract, they do state, “Chair Carter signed the agreement and notice to proceed on the Blue Heron Trail Paving Project..”

A simple review of the two disputed documents and time lines removes all doubt. The Blue Heron Trail paving contract was signed by both Supervisors Carter and McKenzie on November 15, 2006, approximately 7 months before the Joint Powers Agreement document was signed by either in June 2007.

Perhaps an even more disturbing question arises;
Why would Candidate Carter attempt to mislead the public?

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