A Chisago County District 5 Commissioner candidacy kickoff event for Tim O’Keefe on Saturday, 10/15/11, drew a crowd of over 200 supporters. Held at a rural Fish Lake Township farm, the grass roots movement was seeking change in “politics as usual.” Many supporters expressed their anger over continued increases in local taxation while their roads crumbled and fell into ruin. They also discussed two failed attempts by Fish Lake Township supervisor Bob Carter to unseat the current 5th district commissioner. Supporters believed that Bob Carter was further “tainted” by the Fish Lake Township political corruption scandal and that he lacked the honesty and integrity to run a viable 2012 campaign.
Tim O’Keefe was highly commended for his courage and endurance to expose political corruption and institute honest, open government in Fish Lake Township. Although several supporters agreed that the current district 5 commissioner had “caused no harm” during his eleven year tenure, he failed to manage government spending or propose innovative solutions to resolve ongoing county issues. If elected, Tim O’Keefe agreed that he would also work to bring integrity and dignity to the county board on behalf of district 5. Supporters were encouraged and motivated to rally behind Tim O’Keefe, calling him a “harbinger of change.”