Amid an economic crisis of national proportions, Fish Lake Township residents are losing their jobs, losing their homes and losing hope. Despite the worsening depression, Fish Lake Township supervisors not only voted to raise property taxes again, but to purchase a new road grader, too.
What “urgent” need has driven Fish Lake Township Supervisors Carter, Cupit and Larkin to sign a recent agreement with Ziegler Caterpillar to purchase a brand new 140M road grader at a cost of $246,025 to the taxpayers? Why has the township’s 2001 140H Cat road grader suddenly become unusable? Could the answer lie in part in the inability of the township’s self-proclaimed “Grader Operator” to change even a light bulb in a road grader which is no longer under factory warranty……a “Grader Operator” who is a 14 year employee earning in excess of $44,000 plus benefits each year?
Has the self-absorbed town board become oblivious to the plight of their fiefdom?